I regularly speak at events about issues related to comics, censorship, libraries, and reading.
I have delivered academic keynotes for a variety of comics and librarianship-related conferences and events. Some of my appearances include Comics & Medicine: From Private Lives to Public Health (2014), the Lois Lenski Lecture in Children’s Literature (2016), the Hershey Lectureship in the History of Medicine (2016), NASIG (2017), Marantz Picturebook Research Symposium (2018), and Jornadas Internacionais de Histórias em Quadrinhos (2019).
I also have spoken at public events hosted by groups and organizations including the Iowa City Public Library’s Carol Spaziani Intellectual Freedom Festival (2014), National Archives’ Center for Legislative Research (2016), and the New York City Comic Con (2014). I’ve participated at several Illinois-based public library comics events in Aurora, Elgin, Frankfort, and Urbana.
Invite me to speak

I am available to speak at events – academic, corporate, and public. Please contact me at carol@caroltilley.net with your request.
For media requests, see my profile and contact at WMC SheSource. I have provided comment for a variety of print, radio, and video media.